article about my Hometown dog in Greet Hingham

Article published in Greet magazine

Article published in Greet Hingham October 31, 2023.


The South Shore of Massachusetts is quite a haven for dogs! If you, like me, are crazy about our pups, I’ve got a great way to celebrate that love for dogs.  Just enter your dog on the My Hometown Dog calendar, a 365 day-by-day collection of South Shore dogs. Each new day reveals a new dog. You will likely recognize many … and then, how great will it be to get to your own dog’s page?

I love living in Hingham, where my husband and I settled 27 years ago and raised our three children, and we love that our town is nestled among the other wonderful towns and natural areas of the South Shore.

Fifteen years ago we became a dog family with the addition of Theodore, a golden retriever. Five years later we brought home a second golden, Eleanor, and recently, our third golden, Winston, joined the family. In May 2022 our beloved Theodore passed away ( I can’t yet remove his picture… I know you understand), Winston is a grown up beautiful golden, and Eleanor is the same beautiful girl.

Since just about everyone is passionate about their dogs, I thought, wouldn’t it be great to show off our South Shore dogs on a day-by-day calendar? Each page will feature one dog’s photo and a snippet about the joy they bring to their families. What fun to see your dog’s day pop up, or your friend’s dog, or hey, those you see from time to time in the park!

Launching this calendar on the South Shore just made sense because it combines the love of dogs and pride of our hometowns. I’ve hired local talent to get the calendar off the ground, and I’m proud to say the calendar is created and printed right here in Massachusetts on recycled paper.

I’d say dog life on the South Shore is pretty darned sweet. Since all dogs should have the same chance for a good life, 10% of My Hometown Dog calendar profits will benefit The South Shore Humane Society in their quest to help homeless dogs along the South Shore.   

So if you’d like your South Shore pooch included in the 2025 My Hometown Dog calendar, click here to get started.

...‘til every dog has its day,

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